Collect Identity Space Values via Javascript

Currently, when configuring a property within the platform, the only available options to retrieve the space value are “General Variable“, Local Storage, Cookie, etc.

However, *many* third party integrations that land on the page do not make this information easily available or accessible; and even if it is available, it’s likely not in a format that Ketch is ready to parse.

As an example, integration (vendor) X provides an identity space *only through javascript reference*, meaning that `integration.identify()` needs to be called on the page, which might return a payload such as `USER_ID_NEEDED##SOME_ORG_ID`

Currently, this poses two challenges; not only can `identify()` not be called, but even if it could, Ketch doesn’t provide any utility to deconstruct a payload such as using `value.split(“##”).at(0)`.

Currently, this leads us to have to engage an internal team to create a new variable/cookie/storageVar etc, which duplicates data and incurs additional integration time.

Ideal state would be to have another option(s) that allows for us to simply execute JS on-page to fetch the variable we need, and then another option(s) to manipulate that fetched result. Or something similar.

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In Review


💡 Ketch Feature Requests


About 1 month ago


Ryan Burdett

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