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Subject Communication Notification

When a new message is received from a data subject, the current notification is just to have that request highlighted in the queue for the person it was assigned to. It would be great to instead have a symbol like a filled in circle near the request to indicate there is a communication so that everyone that has access to the queue can see there is a new message instead of just the person it was assigned to. If you were to keep the highlighting that could work as well but then the suggestion would be to add an option to the request to mark the communication as read. Having the mark as read option would help users accessing the queue (not just the assignee) to be able to see that there is a message that needs to be read. Thank you!

Samantha Beyer 1 day ago

Collect Identity Space Values via Javascript

Currently, when configuring a property within the platform, the only available options to retrieve the space value are “General Variable“, Local Storage, Cookie, etc. However, *many* third party integrations that land on the page do not make this information easily available or accessible; and even if it is available, it’s likely not in a format that Ketch is ready to parse. As an example, integration (vendor) X provides an identity space *only through javascript reference*, meaning that `integration.identify()` needs to be called on the page, which might return a payload such as `USER_ID_NEEDED##SOME_ORG_ID` Currently, this poses two challenges; not only can `identify()` not be called, but even if it could, Ketch doesn’t provide any utility to deconstruct a payload such as using `value.split(“##”).at(0)`. Currently, this leads us to have to engage an internal team to create a new variable/cookie/storageVar etc, which duplicates data and incurs additional integration time. Ideal state would be to have another option(s) that allows for us to simply execute JS on-page to fetch the variable we need, and then another option(s) to manipulate that fetched result. Or something similar.

Ryan Burdett About 1 month ago